I have problems when trying to access CYPE’s electronic licenses.
Change the DNS addresses to those belonging to Google.

We have detected that some users are having problems when trying to access CYPE’s electronic licenses. As a temporary solution, please use Google’s DNS addresses, which are very safe and always work.

Below are the steps you have to take to change them from any Windows version:

  1. Go to Windows explorer, place the cursor on the Network icon, and with the right button, select Properties.

  2. Click on your connection (Connections); this could be Wifi, Ethernet or Local network. In the dialogue box that opens, click on the Properties button.

  3. Find “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, click on it (it will be highlighted in blue) and click on the Properties button.

  4. Only modify the addresses of the DNS server, as shown in the following image:

Can I use my user license permissions with “BIMserver.center” programs?

If you consider it is necessary, contact the technical support service of your internet company to update the DNS.


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